Sunday, 16 June 2013

Interview: Grace Denton

Welcome to Feminist Create's first audio interview!

Recorded on a hot June evening at my flat in Bristol, we're treated to finding out about Grace Denton, her creative practices, being an anti-front woman and more...

To listen, click on this link..

Grace Denton is an artist, musician and producer currently living in Bristol, already with a profile on the blog- profile-grace-denton

(0.00-1.22 minutes) 
Feminist Create: Hello Grace Denton!
Grace Denton: (squeak, laughs)
FC: (laughs) 
GD: I meant to sat Hi but it just didn't ..just came out as that... Hi!
FC: Hi. I'd like to welcome you and everyone to our first audio live... interview
GD: Live feed...
FC: Almost..
GD: Kind of... (laughs)
FC: Welcome to Feminist Create!
GD: Thank you!
FC: So, would you tell us maybe some things that you do?
GD: The main thing I do is make music... and I'm in a few different bands.. My kind of main band is The Middle Ones, we play kind of, sort of... lo-fi, folk-y pop music. And the other band I'm in is called EXPENSIVE, we.. we're kind of more electronic. I'm kind of involved in making the music before we play live, in more of a producer way I guess.. There's 2 other guys in the band and they play the music live and I sing...

(More transcript to follow)