Lives in: London, UK.
Create: I'm a crazy blogging activist. At the moment life is revolving around exams and finishing my first novel about a book-loving feminist with neon blue hair.
Other creative stuff: I'm a poetry enthusiast and visual artist.
I like cats.
I'm organising a protest to try and put an end to Page 3. (If you'd like to come along it'll be on Saturday 6th July. There will be biscuits.)
I've made two installations in the past year and continue to splatter paint all over the house.
I write under a personal blog yassayshi.blogspot and I also write for a positive-body-image group in America I recently started a blog for the cats. Sometimes they like to tell humans how to run the world. I let them share their opinions alongside adorable pictures of themselves feministcats.blogspot .
What I love about Feminism: There is no judgement. We can be anyone. We can be free.